Analysis of themes
Open and reproducible neuroimaging: From study inception to publication
study inception, planning, and ethics: OSF pre-registration,, aspredicted
data processing and analysis: git, github, gitlab, etc
many others
Collaborative open science as a way to reproducibility and new insights in primate cognition research
Used mailing list to share information, then slack for discussions
Use Google docs for writing and documentation
Github for code and data
Data analysis plans pre-registered at OSF
Have a website - good for newcomers and sharing info
Open and reproducible practices in developmental psychology research: The workflow of the WomCogDev lab as an example
- Resources: lab meetings, slack, trello, OSF repository
Accelerating addiction research via Open Science and Team Science
recommend sharing on OSF
synthpop package in R creates a synthetic dataset with same statistical properties
Ten strategies to foster open science in psychology and beyond
- can get started by writing in markdown/quarto, using github
Lessons Learned: A Neuroimaging Research Center’s Transition to Open and Reproducible Science
use OSF for registering protocols
focus on open software like R and Python, git and github
Open and reproducible neuroimaging: From study inception to publication
- publishing Code of Conduct for collaborative projects is one practice that helps ensure a more welcoming and inclusive space for everyone regardless of background or identity
Ten simple rules for helping newcomers become contributors to open projects
be welcoming
make governance explicit
develop forms of legitimate peripheral participation
make it easy for newcomers to get started
Collaborative open science as a way to reproducibility and new insights in primate cognition research
topic for research selected through voting
also discuss challenges. Main one was how to make decisions
leadership team preferable
also have author guidelines.
Promoting FAIR Data Through Community-driven Agile Design: the Open Data Commons for Spinal Cord Injury (
key events for the collaboration to be possible: - introduction of FAIR principles, update from funders, funding given to specific projects
moreover, participants pointed out the need for improving self-explanatory tutorials and help materials that would facilitate the learning experience for those who could not attend the workshop
registered users can request to become ODC-SCI Community members with further approval by the Leadership team.
Eleven Strategies for Making Reproducible Research and Open Science Training the Norm at Research Institutions
perform replication or meta-research studies as course projects: Carefully define the scope of the project, Ensure that you have adequate support
build communities: Foster accessible discussions (Consider running “beginner” and “advanced” community meetings)
build communities: Organize regular meetings
Collaboration and Open Science Initiatives in Primate Research
Agreeing on project selection, study design, stimuli, analysis plan, and findings’ interpretation is not easy in big groups. (…) research questions are selected democratically - proposals for projects are submitted and members vote to select which projects will be carried out.
Large-scale projects also have to develop authorship guidelines, which specify the minimal conditions that one person has to fulfill to qualify for authorship
task forces within the project prepared different materials they then uploaded to github and pre-register
Low entry barriers and the various ways in which a scientist can be involved in a large-scale collaboration (design, data collection, analysis, manuscript writing) offer a multitude of possibilities for researchers in different stages of their careers
Accelerating addiction research via Open Science and Team Science
- As part of this process, we made several decisions as a group (via an anonymous poll), such as which smallest effect size of interest to preregister and to which journal to submit the paper
Ten strategies to foster open science in psychology and beyond
- Participating in these large-scale projects is not easy and calls on researchers to develop specific standards and guidelines that ensure effective communication among collaborators and enable projects to develop coherently and cohesively
Open and reproducible practices in developmental psychology research: The workflow of the WomCogDev lab as an example
- They setup a clear structure for how to conduct the research - how a project is supposed to work
Lessons Learned: A Neuroimaging Research Center’s Transition to Open and Reproducible Science
- also nice figure of workflow including open science practices in the workflow
UKRN Open Research Training Resources and Priorities Working Paper
research cycle: planning, conducting, analysing, disseminating
planning: team science guides, research co-production
most resources focus on the planning and analysing stage
very few resources for open collaboration, none were open and they were valued poorly compared to other practices
Eleven Strategies for Making Reproducible Research and Open Science Training the Norm at Research Institutions
- perform replication or meta-research studies as course projects: As the class collaborates on one project, participants also build skills for collaborative team science and gain experience leading small teams
Barriers/limitations for implementation
Accelerating addiction research via Open Science and Team Science
- Barriers: within our current scientific culture, there are few incentives to work in large teams, all large-scale collaborations need leadership
Levels of collaboration
- Collaboration and Open Science Initiatives in Primate Research
- Lessons Learned: A Neuroimaging Research Center’s Transition to Open and Reproducible Science
- Open and reproducible practices in developmental psychology research: The workflow of the WomCogDev lab as an example
- Ten strategies to foster open science in psychology and beyond