Review stages

Title review stage

During the first stage of the reviewing, we only looked at titles. Below is the code to extract the titles we each individually reviewed, so we can show some details about how many were included, excluded, and which titles we agreed on or disagreed on.

In the title screening stage, the number of titles we kept are listed in Table 1.

targets::tar_read(titles_kept) |>
  map(\(df) count(df, name = "Articles kept")) |>
  list_rbind(names_to = "Reviewers") |>
  # TODO: Include percent of total articles.
Table 1: Number of articles each reviewer kept after the first screening of the titles.
Reviewers Articles kept
Daniel 75
Mario 161
Luke 53

We want to know how many of these titles we all agreed on between the three reviewers:

common_titles <- targets::tar_read(titles_agreed_on)

We seemed to agree on 24 titles, with the full title list shown in Table 2.

common_titles |>
  select("Article title" = title) |>
Table 2: The 24 article titles we all agreed on and kept during the title screening stage.
Article title
UKRN ORCC Primer on Working in Open Research
Accelerating addiction research via Open Science and Team Science
The State of Open Science Practices in Psychometric Studies of Suicide: A Systematic Review
Eleven Strategies for Making Reproducible Research and Open Science Training the Norm at Research Institutions
Biomedical supervisors’ role modeling of open science practices
Exploring Open Science Practices in Behavioural Public Policy Research
UKRN Open Research Training Resources and Priorities Working Paper
(Why) Are Open Research Practices the Future for the Study of Language Learning?
Inclusive, open, and reproducible developmental science
Modernizing authorship criteria and transparency practices to facilitate honest, open, and equitable team science
The potential of inclusive and collaborative Open Research processes at the science-policy interface
Knowledge and practices of open science among scholars and researchers in Tanzania
Reducing Barriers to Open Science by Standardizing Practices and Realigning Incentives
Open and reproducible neuroimaging: From study inception to publication
Reducing barriers to open science by standardizing practices and realigning incentives
Lessons Learned: A Neuroimaging Research Center’s Transition to Open and Reproducible Science
Ten strategies to foster open science in psychology and beyond
Open and reproducible practices in developmental psychology research: The workflow of the WomCogDev lab as an example
Open and reproducible science practices in psychoneuroendocrinology: opportunities to foster scientific progress
Performing Open Science Culture
No Better Time to Practice Open Science Than Now
Ten simple rules for helping newcomers become contributors to open projects
Privacy, Anonymity, and Perceived Risk in Open Collaboration
Open Source, Collaboration, and Access: A Critical Analysis of “Openness” in the Design Field

One person will review the titles and flag any paper that might be relevant but are not in agreement to keep.

targets::tar_read(titles_disagreed_on) |>
  select("Article titles" = title) |>
Table 3: Article titles not kept between all reviewers during the title screening stage.
Article titles
Using open and collaborative data to improve the Brazilian topographic mapping in protected areas
Special Issue: Open, Digital, Collaborative Project Preservation in the Humanities
How Openness Could Strengthen Academia’s Partnerships with the Intelligence Community
Open Source Software in the Public Sector: 25 Years and Still in Its Infancy
Open sharing of government data and enterprise decision making
Open-Source Software –Benefits and Drawbacks
What knowledge does ChatGPT have regarding open science, and can it provide good advice about it?
Wide open? Creative industries and open strategizing challenges
Open Institute of the African BioGenome Project: Bridging the gap in African biodiversity genomics and bioinformatics
Regional Open Science Dialogue in Southern Africa
Open science in health psychology and behavioral medicine: A statement from the Behavioral Medicine Research Council.
Towards Reproducible and Respectful Autism Research: Combining Open and Participatory Autism Research Practices
Open Data and transparency in artificial intelligence and machine learning: A new era of research
Accelerating Social Science Knowledge Production with the Coordinated Open-Source Model
Response to responsible research assessment I and II from the perspective of the DGPs working group on open science in clinical psychology
A Review on the Use of Open Source Technologies and Soft-Ware Applied to Precision Agriculture Practices
‘Conditional Acceptance’ (additional experiments required): A scoping review of recent evidence on key aspects of Open Peer Review
Supporting Open Science with frictionless publication workflows: The Tree of Life project at Wellcome Open Research
Toppling the Ivory Tower: Increasing Public Participation in Research Through Open and Citizen Science
Accelerating the Open Research agenda to solve global challenges
How to move open science from the periphery to the centre
Three Myths about Open Science That Just Won’t Die
Opening up Understanding of Neurodiversity: A Call for Applying Participatory and Open Scholarship Practices
Open research case study - Biological Sciences
Open research case study - Mathematics and Statistics
An Open Digital Platform to Support Interdisciplinary Energy Research and Practice—Conceptualization
Open digital infrastructures for bridging professional cultures: the case of extreme citizen science between journalism and research
Promoting Open Science Through Research Data Management
Open Science in Developmental Science
Open and reproducible neuroimaging: from study inception to publication
Adapting Open Science and Pre-registration to Longitudinal Research
Opening doors to discovery: Partnerships are key to advancing open science
The value of open-source clinical science in pandemic response: lessons from ISARIC
Context dependent trade-offs around platform-to-platform openness: The case of the Internet of Things
Accelerating your research career with open science
As an open scientist, you’re good-to-get what you need
Digital platform openness: Drivers, dimensions and outcomes
Open Scholarship as a mechanism for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Science through Wikipedia: A novel representation of open knowledge through co-citation networks
Open science from the standpoint of the new wave of researchers: Views from the scholarly frontline1
Conducting a Meta-Analysis in the Age of Open Science: Tools, Tips, and Practical Recommendations
Open Science, Open Data, and Open Scholarship: European Policies to Make Science Fit for the Twenty-First Century
Open creative workspaces impacts for new product development team creativity and effectiveness
The limits to openness: Co-working, design and social innovation in the neoliberal city
Abandoning innovation activities and performance: The moderating role of openness
The faster the better? Innovation speed and user interest in open source software
Open science challenges, benefits and tips in early career and beyond
Measuring and analyzing code authorship in 1 + 118 open source projects
Open and Reproducible Research on Open Science Framework
Community radio stations sustainability model: An open-source solution
Prototyping open digital tools for urban commoning
Reinventing Scientific Journals through Open Science Practices and Self-Publication
Promoting Open-Science and Accessible Student Training: The Open-Science fabrication laboratory model
Current Status of Open Science and Statistical Analysis in The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology: Consideration From the Severe Testing Perspective
Statistical Misconceptions, Awareness, and Attitudes towards Open Science Practices in Slovak Psychology Researchers
Open Science Perspectives on Machine Learning for the Identification of Careless Responding: A New Hope or Phantom Menace?
A tradition of open, academy-owned, and non-profit research infrastructure in Latin America
Coopetition as a driver of success for community initiatives in open research
Open Science for Ukraine: the Case for International Cooperation
Hacking Limnology Workshop and DSOS22: Creating a Community of Practice for the Nexus of Data Science, Open Science, and the Aquatic Sciences
Rethinking Transparency and Rigor from a Qualitative Open Science Perspective
N-of-1 Trials, Their Reporting Guidelines, and the Advancement of Open Science Principles
Promoting trust in research and researchers: How open science and research integrity are intertwined
Open Science for Computer Simulation
Development of a Concept Inventory on Open and Transparent Research Practices
The LOTUS initiative for open knowledge management in natural products research
Open knowledge management in university education in the context of digital transformation
Open Science, Closed Doors
Open Science Considerations for Descriptive Research in Developmental Science
Open Science Research Priorities in Health Psychology
Indicators of research quality, quantity, openness and responsibility in institutional promotion, review and tenure policies across seven countries
Open Science and Multicultural Research: Some Data, Considerations, and Recommendations
Open Science in Human Electrophysiology
Open Science at the Science-policy Interface: Bringing in the Evidence?
Using the Reproducible Open Coding Kit &amp
Legacy of Jon Tennant, “Open science is just good science”
Open and autonomous. The basis for trust in science
Embedding open and reproducible science into teaching: A bank of lesson plans and resources.
Developing and disseminating data analysis tools for open science
Open science practices and risks arising from misuse of biological research
Is Open Science Neoliberal?
Open Science Practices in Gambling Research Publications (2016 – 2019): A Scoping Review
Help Shape the Transition to Open
The Open Transition Takes Center Stage
Open Developmental Science: An Overview and Annotated Reading List
Open Communitition
Open Science, Data Analysis, and Data Sharing
The importance of adherence to international standards for depositing open data in public repositories
Open Science in Applied Linguistics: A Preliminary Survey
Replication and Open Science in Applied Linguistics Research
Trusting on the Shoulders of Open Giants? Open Science Increases Trust in Science for the Public and Academics
Open and Clarified Process of Compatibility Standards for Promoting Data Exchange
When open data closes the door: A critical examination of the past, present and the potential future for open data guidelines in journals
Supervised Authorship Segmentation of Open Source Code Projects
Dynamics of Cumulative Advantage and Threats to Equity in Open Science - A Scoping Review
Bridging Feminist Psychology and Open Science: Feminist Tools and Shared Values Inform Best Practices for Science Reform
Wikipedia at the University: engaging students and teachers in open knowledge and collaborative work
Systematizing Confidence in Open Research and Evidence (SCORE)
Organization of Free and Open Source Software Projects: In-between the Community and Traditional Governance
Crowdsourced meta-analysis in psychological science: An open science approach to compiling and synthesizing scientific knowledge
WP5 Scoping Report: Building an Open Dissemination System
FRET-based dynamic structural biology: Challenges, perspectives and an appeal for open-science practices
Evaluation of open-source learning management systems (LMS) using design science research methodology
Collaboration and Open Science Initiatives in Primate Research
Centering inclusivity in the design of online conferences - An OHBM - Open Science perspective
Gambling Researchers’ Use and Views of Open Science Principles and Practices: A Brief Report
Open Science and information literacy
Open Science in Kenya: Where are we?
We’re all in this together: recommendations from the Society of Behavioral Medicine’s Open Science Working Group
Questionable Research Practices and Open Science in Quantitative Criminology
Framework for Prioritization of Open Data Publication: An Application to Smart Cities
The importance of open research practices to empirical research in the evolutionary social sciences
Open Science in Psychophysiology: An Overview of Challenges and Emerging Solutions
Practice what you preach: Credibility-enhancing displays and the growth of open science
Navigating Open Science as Early Career Feminist Researchers
Governing Open Health Data in Latin America
When Values Collide: Why Scientists Argue About Open Science and How to Move Forward
Open Science at Liberal Arts Colleges
Research Data Recycling through Open Sharing and Reuse: A Case Study of Sustainable Digital Good Consumption in the Sharing Economy
Easing Into Open Science: A Guide for Graduate Students and Their Advisors
Doing Data Science on the Shoulders of Giants: The Value of Open Source Software for the Data Science Community
The future of product creation is open and community-based
Quality of Open Research Data: Values, Convergences and Governance
Open Science principles for accelerating trait-based science across the Tree of Life
The future of arXiv and knowledge discovery in open science
Towards an Open Science Definition as a Political and Legal Framework: Sharing and Dissemination af Research Outputs
Enhancing scientific credibility: An open science strategy for the South African Journal of Industrial Psychology
Co-building Open Science: Portrait of the University Library as a Publisher
Challenges, Open Research Issues and Tools in Bigdata Analytics
Collaborative open science as a way to reproducibility and new insights in primate cognition research
Both Questionable and Open Research Practices are Prevalent in Education Research
Behaviour Change for Open Science
From Open Journalism to Closed Data: Data Journalism in Italy
Open Data and Transparency: Opportunities and Challenges in the Swiss Context
Bots Coordinating Work in Open Source Software Projects
Assessing the Openness and Conviviality of Open Source Technology: The Case of the WikiHouse
Empowering open science with reflexive and spatialised indicators
The path to open data
How to Teach Open Science Principles in the Undergraduate Curriculum—The Hagen Cumulative Science Project
The advantages of UK Biobank’s open‐access strategy for health research
``Because it is the Right Thing to Do’‘: Taking Stock of the Peer Reviewers’ Openness Initiative
Participation Research and Open Strategy
The SIGIR 2019 Open-Source IR Replicability Challenge (OSIRRC 2019)
A Sensemaking Perspective on Open Strategy
The Politics of Openness
Orientations of Open Strategy: From Resistance to Transformation
Beyond Open Data Hackathons: Exploring Digital Innovation Success
Making Open Science Work for Science and Society
An open science rare diseases research initiative: the University of North Carolina Catalyst
Open Science and the Science-Society Relationship
A Perspective on Extreme Open Science: Companies Sharing Compounds without Restriction
On reproducibility and replicability: Arguing for open science practices and methodological improvements at the South African Journal of Industrial Psychology
Open Collaborative Data - using OSS Principles to Share Data in SW Engineering
Towards open and reproducible multi-instrument analysis in gamma-ray astronomy
Improving Open Science Using Linked Open Data: CONICET Digital Use Case
Embracing Open Science and Transparency in Health Psychology
Irrelevant Events and Voting Behavior: Replications Using Principles from Open Science
Agile Mechanisms for Open Data Process Innovation in Public Sector Organizations
Gifted Child Quarterly’s Commitment to Transparency, Openness, and Research Improvement
A descriptive analysis of the characteristics and the peer review process of systematic review protocols published in an open peer review journal from 2012 to 2017
Open Science - the new paradigm for research and education?
OpenCon 2018: Building a community of openness, advocacy, and activism
Open Principles in New Business Models for Information Systems
Open Science in Data-Intensive Psychology and Cognitive Science
Adding Standards and Procedures to the What Works Clearinghouse Handbook on the Transparency, Openness, and Reproducibility of Effectiveness Research on Education Practices, Products, Programs, and Policies
Whose open science are we talking about? From open science in psychology to open science in applied linguistics
Towards a framework for Open Data literacy in education: A systematic mapping review of Open Data skills and learning approaches
Open and collaborative tools for disaster management and risk reduction
Open scholarship in applied linguistics: What, why, and how
It’s All a Game: Strategies and Scenarios in Open Sharing Spectrum
Bridging Neurodiversity and Open Scholarship: How Shared Values Can Guide Best Practices for Research Integrity, Social Justice, and Principled Education
Development of the Brief Open Research Survey (BORS) to measure awareness and uptake of Open Research practices
Improving the Computational Reproducibility of Clinical Science: Tools for Open Data and Code
Open Ocean: Inventing the Future of Ocean Exploration
Promoting FAIR Data Through Community-driven Agile Design: the Open Data Commons for Spinal Cord Injury (
The Pandemic as a Portal: Reimagining Psychological Science as Truly Open and Inclusive
Open collaborative writing with Manubot
Going Farther Together: The Impact of Social Capital on Sustained Participation in Open Source

We saved a new csv file with all the disagreements and then made a copy of that list in the file resolved.csv. This file contains some titles that we disagreed on but that were briefly reviewed by one reviewer, discussed, and included in the end.

The titles we agreed on were:

targets::tar_read(titles_resolved_path) |>
  read_csv() |>
  select("Article title" = title) |>
Article titles we agreed to keep from the disagreement list.
Article title
Special Issue: Open, Digital, Collaborative Project Preservation in the Humanities
Coopetition as a driver of success for community initiatives in open research
Open and collaborative tools for disaster management and risk reduction
Promoting FAIR Data Through Community-driven Agile Design: the Open Data Commons for Spinal Cord Injury (
Collaboration and Open Science Initiatives in Primate Research
The Pandemic as a Portal: Reimagining Psychological Science as Truly Open and Inclusive
Collaborative open science as a way to reproducibility and new insights in primate cognition research
Agile Mechanisms for Open Data Process Innovation in Public Sector Organizations
Open Communitition

The final list of titles we selected, between the agreed on ones as well as the resolved ones, are:

targets::tar_read(titles_selected) |>
  select("Article title" = title) |>
Article titles we reviewed and selected to continue for abstract review.
Article title
UKRN ORCC Primer on Working in Open Research
Accelerating addiction research via Open Science and Team Science
The State of Open Science Practices in Psychometric Studies of Suicide: A Systematic Review
Eleven Strategies for Making Reproducible Research and Open Science Training the Norm at Research Institutions
Biomedical supervisors’ role modeling of open science practices
Exploring Open Science Practices in Behavioural Public Policy Research
UKRN Open Research Training Resources and Priorities Working Paper
(Why) Are Open Research Practices the Future for the Study of Language Learning?
Inclusive, open, and reproducible developmental science
Modernizing authorship criteria and transparency practices to facilitate honest, open, and equitable team science
The potential of inclusive and collaborative Open Research processes at the science-policy interface
Knowledge and practices of open science among scholars and researchers in Tanzania
Reducing Barriers to Open Science by Standardizing Practices and Realigning Incentives
Open and reproducible neuroimaging: From study inception to publication
Reducing barriers to open science by standardizing practices and realigning incentives
Lessons Learned: A Neuroimaging Research Center’s Transition to Open and Reproducible Science
Ten strategies to foster open science in psychology and beyond
Open and reproducible practices in developmental psychology research: The workflow of the WomCogDev lab as an example
Open and reproducible science practices in psychoneuroendocrinology: opportunities to foster scientific progress
Performing Open Science Culture
No Better Time to Practice Open Science Than Now
Ten simple rules for helping newcomers become contributors to open projects
Privacy, Anonymity, and Perceived Risk in Open Collaboration
Open Source, Collaboration, and Access: A Critical Analysis of “Openness” in the Design Field
Special Issue: Open, Digital, Collaborative Project Preservation in the Humanities
Coopetition as a driver of success for community initiatives in open research
Open and collaborative tools for disaster management and risk reduction
Promoting FAIR Data Through Community-driven Agile Design: the Open Data Commons for Spinal Cord Injury (
Collaboration and Open Science Initiatives in Primate Research
The Pandemic as a Portal: Reimagining Psychological Science as Truly Open and Inclusive
Collaborative open science as a way to reproducibility and new insights in primate cognition research
Agile Mechanisms for Open Data Process Innovation in Public Sector Organizations
Open Communitition

Abstract review stage

  • all will review the abstracts of the included papers
  • this will create our final list of included papers

The second phase of the review is looking over the abstracts. In Table 4 below are the number of articles each reviewer kept after this second screening.

targets::tar_read(abstracts_kept) |>
  map(\(df) count(df, name = "Articles kept")) |>
  list_rbind(names_to = "Reviewers") |>
  # TODO: Include percent of total articles.
Table 4: Number of articles each reviewer kept after the second screening of the articles.
Reviewers Articles kept
Daniel 20
Mario 19
Luke 14

Based on the abstract review, we want to know how many of these titles we all agreed on between the three reviewers:

common_abstracts <- targets::tar_read(abstracts_agreed_on)

We seemed to agree on 10 abstracts, with the full article list shown in Table 5.

targets::tar_read(abstracts_agreed_on) |>
  select("Article titles" = title) |>
Table 5: The 10 article abstracts we all agreed on and kept during the abstract screening stage.
Article titles
Open and reproducible neuroimaging: From study inception to publication
Ten simple rules for helping newcomers become contributors to open projects
Collaborative open science as a way to reproducibility and new insights in primate cognition research
UKRN Open Research Training Resources and Priorities Working Paper
Eleven Strategies for Making Reproducible Research and Open Science Training the Norm at Research Institutions
Open and reproducible practices in developmental psychology research: The workflow of the WomCogDev lab as an example
UKRN ORCC Primer on Working in Open Research
Open and collaborative tools for disaster management and risk reduction
Ten strategies to foster open science in psychology and beyond
Lessons Learned: A Neuroimaging Research Center’s Transition to Open and Reproducible Science

One person will review the titles and flag any paper that might be relevant but are not in agreement to keep.

targets::tar_read(abstracts_disagreed_on) |>
  select("Article titles" = title) |>
Table 6: Article abstracts not kept between all reviewers during the title screening stage.
Article titles
Privacy, Anonymity, and Perceived Risk in Open Collaboration
The potential of inclusive and collaborative Open Research processes at the science-policy interface
Exploring Open Science Practices in Behavioural Public Policy Research
Open Source, Collaboration, and Access: A Critical Analysis of “Openness” in the Design Field
Collaboration and Open Science Initiatives in Primate Research
Reducing barriers to open science by standardizing practices and realigning incentives
Knowledge and practices of open science among scholars and researchers in Tanzania
Coopetition as a driver of success for community initiatives in open research
Reducing Barriers to Open Science by Standardizing Practices and Realigning Incentives
Open Communitition
Collaboration and Open Science Initiatives in Primate Research
(Why) Are Open Research Practices the Future for the Study of Language Learning?
Accelerating addiction research via Open Science and Team Science
Special Issue: Open, Digital, Collaborative Project Preservation in the Humanities
Open and reproducible science practices in psychoneuroendocrinology: opportunities to foster scientific progress
Performing Open Science Culture
Promoting FAIR Data Through Community-driven Agile Design: the Open Data Commons for Spinal Cord Injury (
The State of Open Science Practices in Psychometric Studies of Suicide: A Systematic Review

Like with the title review, we saved a new csv file with all the disagreements and then made a copy of that list in the file resolved.csv. This file contains some articles that we disagreed on but that were briefly reviewed by one reviewer, discussed, and included in the end.

The abstracts we agreed on were:

targets::tar_read(abstracts_resolved_path) |>
  read_abstract_yaml() |>
  select("Article title" = title) |>
Article abstracts we agreed to keep from the disagreement list.
Article title
Collaboration and Open Science Initiatives in Primate Research
Accelerating addiction research via Open Science and Team Science
Promoting FAIR Data Through Community-driven Agile Design: the Open Data Commons for Spinal Cord Injury (

The final list of titles we selected, between the agreed on ones as well as the resolved ones, are:

targets::tar_read(abstracts_selected) |>
  select("Article title" = title) |>
Article abstracts we reviewed and selected to continue to final article reviewing.
Article title
Open and reproducible neuroimaging: From study inception to publication
Ten simple rules for helping newcomers become contributors to open projects
Collaborative open science as a way to reproducibility and new insights in primate cognition research
UKRN Open Research Training Resources and Priorities Working Paper
Eleven Strategies for Making Reproducible Research and Open Science Training the Norm at Research Institutions
Open and reproducible practices in developmental psychology research: The workflow of the WomCogDev lab as an example
UKRN ORCC Primer on Working in Open Research
Open and collaborative tools for disaster management and risk reduction
Ten strategies to foster open science in psychology and beyond
Lessons Learned: A Neuroimaging Research Center’s Transition to Open and Reproducible Science
Collaboration and Open Science Initiatives in Primate Research
Accelerating addiction research via Open Science and Team Science
Promoting FAIR Data Through Community-driven Agile Design: the Open Data Commons for Spinal Cord Injury (

Reading stage

  • first skimming the papers and group by themes, writing a basic free-hand summary
  • then read a few papers from each theme to decide on what information to extract
  • then discuss together the themes to group by and information to extract

Data extraction

  • we make a data extraction template
  • extract data and read the papers

Writing stage

  • how to visualize?